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Welcome to
Group Coaching!


 Nothing happens until something moves.

~ Einstein

Types of Groups

The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll notice the changes that can happen in your life.

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Group Coaching Topics

You'll find knowledge, community and connection with others who just get it.


When you understand your brain, focus on strengths, celebrate accomplishments, you begin to find self-compassion, motivation and momentum.


We will touch on values, strategies, and have "homework" available between sessions.


Book Club with coaching

What if you start reading those books you've been interested in?


This group will provide the opportunity to share what we learn, find connection and community.


Plan to read ahead, or listen if you prefer, and be ready to add to a rich conversation with other ADHDers. 

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Body Double Groups

Do you have Homework, Housework, Work tasks, Tidying, or other activities you have been putting off?


Body Double groups are magical because you will get more done in less time. Body Double groups are ongoing which means you can come and go when needed and invite others anytime. Ask about days and times that work for you. 

Why group coaching?

  • Something powerful happens when we spend time with others like ourselves.

  • Build community and connection with others who just get it

  • Gather tools and strategies to experiment with in your own life

  • Gain understanding of your wiring and celebrate differences

  • Find personal transformation through collective wisdom 

  • Access to models, exercises, brainstorming, and coaching

Adorable Chick

What we cover will depend on your particular group. Be sure that you know what the group involves before you register. 


Topics may include strategies for time management, how to eat when you have ADHD, sleep hygiene, self-care, self-compassion, exercise, getting started, organizing, decision making, understanding your ADHD brain, and many more! 

Topics we may cover

Late Diagnosis for Women

• Meet others like you


• Understand relief to grief and back to relief


• Understand why women and girls are misdiagnosed


• Lean how ADHD shows up differently for women and how women cope


• Understand your wiring as a difference


• "Homework" available between sessions to further your understanding of who you are and what you want in life.

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What others are saying

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